Groomit, Kiss and Trusty are the Cats of the house.
Groomit knocked to our door when he was only three months old. He was so cute and so nice that we decided to adopt him. Since he entered the house he never left us. He is lovely, always happy, funny and really nice, he is the best cat ever ! Maybe you will cross him in the house, if yes, you will definitively fall in love.
Kiss was blocked in the neighbors car’ engine. He was only seven weeks old when we saved him. He is the warrior of the team. Dressed with a black fur with a little white point above his neck, we called him Kiss for his remembrance to the US Rock band and especially to the drummer named Catman.
Trusty is a 3 years old wild cat and he is the last one who arrived at Chez Ric et Fer. This poor cat has belong all of his short life in the street and has been suffering from malnutrition and so has a very small size even as an adult. The first time we saw him, he was asking for food.
The life in the street is so hard that his body was fully cover of wounds due to past fights. His body was also full of ticks. Even if we wasn’t able to touch him, we have decided to take care of him days after days ; feeding and killing all of his ticks and removing his balls :) Once he get his balls removed he became a very nice and a beatifful cat. He is really close of us now and he don’t want to go far away from the home.He is now in peace and clean like a charm. We are very happy to have him in the family, he is a very funny cat (except with Groomit haha)
- Groomit
- Kiss
- Trusty
- Groomit & Kiss
- Groomit the cat
- Kiss
- Trusty
- Groomit
- Groomit
- Groomit
- Trusty
- Groomit
- Kiss
- Trusty
- Groomit
- Trusty
- Groomit
- Kiss
- Groomit
- Groomit